Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How to leave a corrupt county in Northern California?

I am being told I have a medical condition that the hospital doesn't have a name for, neither the primary care physician. I believe whatever triggered my symptoms was brought on by people I no longer speak to anymore. The reasons being for tax reasons and that they want me obtain disability. I can't get disability because I do not have any disability. Another corrupt issue is that I reported someone to CPS for , dragging a child by the arm, and continually telling the child that they hate them. Nothing was done about it and my anonymous report was made public to her, even though I didn't give my name or call from my own phone. Now smy folks are pro- and verbal, mental abuse who work in hospitals, DMV, grocery stores, on the street have an agenda for me. If people who have tried to help are disappearing then what can be done? Surely there are more people in this nation than in one county overrun by organized crime. I'm sure the president wouldn't want such a beautiful country being ociated with welfare foodstamp mongering people who cannot swallow their pride and instead interfere with people's way of life with illegal stalking and public slander, label and bodily threats. Did this ever happen before? People coming in a federal level and removing corrupt entities from positions where even the smallest amount of power is misused. Currently my license is revoked for a medical reason that hasn't been diagnosed, because there isn't one. People are openly making comments about "one more step till oblivion" meaning inducing a condition, then death. Is this something the country wants to be known for,trapping and hurting innocent people?

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