Monday, August 8, 2011

My friends are ignoring me, help!?

:I know exactly how you feel, Imgoing throughthesamething!A few weeks ago my friends and I had a misunderstandingand Ithink everyone felt really hurt and because of it wouldn't listen to each other and it eventually grew completely out of proportion and were not talking at all anymore. There was a group of 6 of us and 4 of them have stayed togetherand completely ignored my friend and i for a week or two and it was unbelievably hard and i also had other things going on in life at the timemy uncle got really sick and still is very sick, he was diagnosedwith cancer as well as things happened with my dad (who i haven't talked to in a few years) and i wished more than anything at the time i had my best friend to talk to but i didn't she was with the others and then it was just one of my friends and I.The weird thing is everyone had apologized and accepted each others apology except for one girl and then it was her opinion that i feel changed everyone else. of course i do not know their side of the story but im just saying what i feel.Over the last few weeksIve been talking to afew of them when on their own but they wont talk to me if their with each other likeLuna. It has hurt somuch having to go through it and its not over but each day starts getting the teeniest bit better. I obviously still have days I get really upset when i see we have been replaced and when i hear them making plans with each other. even when EG we have a free cl and ive no one to talk to because they're together but i havetoget on with it and try not let them kno howHard its been for me. at least you still have mary, the hardest thing for me is that ive lost my best friend. we talk but its not the same,we used to be really close even though I have just rerealizedHow close we were since we've stopped being friends. We would be non stop textingtalking and doing everything together and I know i will find it hard to find a friend like her. We hadeverything planned together for when we were older like EG we used to stay up late looking up apartments on5th ave where we would live! What i find hardest is the little things like when I find an old note we pedor when I find photos of us or stuff like i got her tickets to a concert and they arrived the other day and it made me very sad and confused as to what i should do with it, & here in Ireland there is anannual 'toy show' for xmas on TV and it is 2mrw and I was planning on watching it with her like we didthe year before but Ive no one to watch it with now ha. Its funny because when Im with her in school, i forgetabout everything that'sHappening in my life just like the old days like today I walked the completely differentdirection with her by mistake not even realizing until i got there and i was like how did i get here?! but then i realize wont be the same like I dont think she feels the same about us no longer being friends as I dobecause she ignores me when with the others and leaves me alone the whole time like my other friend andi have no where to even go at lunch anymore so we just try find somewhere we can sit by ourselves, it usedto be outside but its too cold now so i generally go to the library. Even if there was some remote chancewe were to become friends again i think it would be nearly impossible for us to be close again becuase likeim sure she has even told her parents and they would not like us hanging out again because we had a fightand i already think they never really liked me anyway (dont get me wrong they are super nice and all i justdont think they liked me!) and stuff like tht.Im pretty sure, well at least i hope, she (im not sure about theothers) is not doing anything ive mentioned entirely on purpose, and maybe she finds ithard too but idoubt she could be finding it as hard as me because she has the others and has replaced us with other friendsso she cant be? I dont know to be honest if she was as hurt as me i would of thought she would try a bitmore but i dunno :/ all i know is Id do anything for things between us back the way it was but I find it hardto believe it ever will be, Ill never get the same old text, asking if i want to come over to watch the toy show or if i wanna go see a movie etc, even though ill probably be waiting my whole life for it, its not going tohappen and i will have to try my best to face the fact as much as i can. And i wish I had the guts to ask her but i dont scared ill be rejected,

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