Sunday, August 7, 2011

Is it true that most atheist know the bible better than some christians?

I'm 15 and the bible is actually what pushed me away from god. I've read it from the time I could read and it was the first book I read actually. And about a year ago I relized that the only reason i ever read it was because my mom made me. Its a book of myths for a six year old to read but once you know tru from false and possible from impossible then you can piece stuff . Like the main arguement agiast evoulution is why dont apes make humans today, well why dont virgins have babys today? Or why doesnt god speak to us today like he did thousands of years ago? Or why doesnt god help ppl win wars today? I've come to relaize that there is only a creator not a god. We were created , but if there were a god we would be in heaven or paridise. And the funny thing is most christians dont take the time to ask questions about what they read in the bible so they just follow along but i ask you to just read some of the storys and reason and you'll see there just myths

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