Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Do asteroids orbit planets?

The asteroids in our solar system will orbit around the sun they are tered between Mars and Jupiter they are like left overs from other planets. They range is size from small particles to the size of a car. At times the asteroids can collide into each other. The asteroids can become a moon if they get picked up by a plants gravitational pull, when that happens it will eventually form its round moon shape.

A few questions about Creatine?

The major drawback of creatine is stretch marks. Filling your muscles with water makes your skin expand. Taking creatine is a personal choice, I prefer to just take protein after workouts. Besides, gaining muscle m may make you appear larger and become stronger but it also makes you heavier and slower.

I'm fed up with coughin day and night plus i'm asthmatic?

Been coughin day and night for nearly 3 weeks now, progressin gettin worst. I'm asthmatic using steriod inhaler 2 times a day. Been using blue one 2 to 3 times a daY recently. Any tips? Is it swine flu? As not had a fever, runnin nose, achey or anything like that. Back hurts from coughin. Bringing up white and clear mucus. Like 2 have a full nite sleep. Hope u can help? X

Google earth?

yeah i was just looking around the capitol building in DC because i just went on a tour there, and all the buildings around there are like white models with no details, like the government put them there. What are they? Why are thry there?

In your opinion black americans how important is it for a girl to have a big ..?

I think they'd give it an 8/10. But their focus is more on an existent one. A woman has to have an @ss, period. It doesn't necessarily have to be big though.

Who would you start for week 14 fantasy football?

This Week (Week 14) is the playoffs for my fantasy team. I have a choice to make at my WR position and WR/RB. I have ROddy White (vs NO), Calvin Johnson (vs BAL), Desean Jackson (vs PHI), and Lesean McCoy (vs PHI). What 3 do i start?

How do programs like autocad?

Normally, a three-dimensional object is entered into the computer as a three-dimensional object. However, sometimes the object is such that the third dimension can be easily generated from the other two dimensions. The extrude function is one such case. This is the conceptual equivalent of squeezing material through a die of the right shape, such as the cylinder of toothpaste you get when you squeeze it through a circular hole. Pasta and seamless pipe can be produced the same way. The logical equivalent of an extruded object can be generated simply by specifying the two-dimensional shape and the length of the extrusion, then letting the computer do the rest.

I want to watch a movie, any movie suggestions?? Easy 10 points!!?

Ok so I want to watch a Halloween spooky movie, but not something crazy scary and murderous and gory like Halloween of Saw or whatever, something that is also a bit of a comedy like Clue or Young Frankenstein. So please just put your thoughts down on any comedy/spooky movies you would recommend, thanks!!!

Will there be ticket touts at ...?

They will not be hanging around outside the gates, specialised security will chase them off very quickly. As to where you will get one if you just turn up on spec, I do not have any idea. Be prepared to be disappointed though.

What is your oppinion?

i love adrianna....having two first names is for your pleasure....she will hate it! its not about you...its about them. you need a professional name they can get a job with.double first name is wayyy tooo much

Who is the iest soap opera women on daytime soaps?

Hi TLC....I like all the women you do too and if I could have a affair with 2or 3 of these women I would have to go with...Sam as she is very y, Clhoe has a nice big chest for sucking...mmmmmmm and Bianca too but I would want Amanda in my bed too...she is also y. I love most of the soap women with big titties and for STACY on OLTL she is a UGLY B&*TCH.....ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

1 Minute Skit of SNL?

Make fun of AIG and the bonusses their employees got after the billion dollar bail out money they received.

Divine Right, Absolute Monarchy & Peter The Great.?

I have a project having to do with Peter The Great & I'm a bit confused on what to write. I need to write connections between Peter The Great & Divine Right & Absolute Monarchy. Please help. So the question is what are the connections between DR, AM, & PTG. please write some examples. :)

Why was the Nobel Peace Prize never awarded to Mahatma Gandhi? Could there've been a more qualified candidate?

I was reading some articles and found it very surprising that a Nobel Peace Prize was never awarded to Mahatma Gandhi even though he was nominated five times. They even gave one out to Yer Arafat. Is the Nobel voting like the Oscars?

How long will it take to get to the moon by lightspeed?

Oops! You missed your medication time again. Go back to your room and lie down, and the nice doctor will come and give you an extra shot. Then you will feel better, and the electromagnetic regenerators will stop bothering you.

My 1066mhz memory is only running at 800mhz?

I have an ASRock P43Twins1600 motherboard with an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.56ghz CPU. I know the MB supports this frequency, and the manual says I don't need to use the FSB jumpers unless overclocking. Should I use the jumpers anyway? Or is this a different problem? I am a little new to this...

Who all did triple h bury?

Chaos, you are clearly an idiotic Triple H mark. He squashed Kane, Rob Van Dam, Randy Orton, Scott Steiner (although I'm grateful for that one) Edge, Christian, Chris Jericho, MVP, Shelton Benjamin, The Spirit Squad, Sheamus (btw, Sheamus beat Triple H after aulting him backstage, and it took multiple finishers to keep him down for three seconds, did you see how many Pedigrees it takes to put down Sheamus? One) and not to mention, as somebody already did, Mick Foley. This is just off the top of my head.

How much for an authentic signed Green Bay Packer Jersey?

If it's signed sell it for a good 450. Authentic jerseys are 250 bucks then the signing is worth double the original maybe even more. Go to a sport shop in the mall that sells signed jerseys see if they'll take it. If not try craigslist. Im sure if you put it in the Wisconsin section many people would want it. You'll be surprised what people will offer too.

3.5 month old fighting sleep. Experienced mothers please!?

Okay. My 3.5 month old son has good days/weeks, then bad days/weeks. For instance, this past saturday and sunday were wonderful. He napped without fighting us much and slept for a solid 6 hours at night. Yesterday, he took naps with moderate fussiness, but slept horribly at night. My husband I were taking turns every few hours. Today, however, he has been fighting his naps like crazy! He is sooo exhausted. He'll scream and cry, rub his eyes, start to fall asleep a bit, then get another wind and start it all over again. The only way I got him to sleep this time was to feed for a few minutes. He fell asleep at the and then i, probably stupidly, replaced it with a pacifier and put him down. He used to put himself to sleep pretty well. We would wait until he was drowsy and put him in his crib. Now we almost always have to put him to sleep elsewhere, then sneak him into bed. I know this isnt healthy for our family in the long run. We want to set up good habits, but we are desperate. Any tips?

What do you think of these combinations for a girl?

They are all beautiful! I also think Samara Cathleen is very pretty. I think the first and fifth are my favorites.

Does neil on young and the yestless have issues?

Is it just me or does neil winters have an obsession for women that look like carmen...this new girl looks like her what's up with that

I need a fact file on ludwig van beethoven.?

Googling is easy-peasy! If a technologically-challenged person like ME can do it, then anyone can! However, if you happen to find computers tricky, then a public library is equally useful.

Should i take pyruvic acid suplements on atkins diet?

i have been takin pyruvic suplements for a months now and have started atkins i need to loose 30 lb please tell me if i can take pyruvic acid suplements while on atkins diet

Hey, if you liked the novel the The Great Gatsby... then could you tell me exactly why you liked it?

In high school a lot of kids like it because it's easy to read, easy to understand and it captures the tragedy of the American Dream so simply.

Anyone know of some lowscale indie/alternative/rock bands out there?

Cold War Kids, Grizzly Bear, Florance and the Machine, This Good Robot, MGMT,--- Check out It allows you to search any song from any artist EVER, and stream it for free on your computer (without downloading). From there you can find similar artists. Great tool for finding new music! Good luck in your searches.

Does he like me as a friend?

i like this lad at school but i think he just sees me as one of his mates as he has quite a few girl mates. he smiles and says hello when he sees me, he likes comforting me when I'm sad or annoyed, he helps me with my school work, he sometimes touches my hand or arm and likes talkin 2 me on msn and facebook and he is just fab. does this seem like he likes me as a friend or more than a friend

FIFA: what is your favorite book? (BQ inside)?

Envy you are soooo mean. Amanda he doesn't mean it. He's just playing with you girl! Honestly envy you can be soo rude to people thats why you dont have any friends and hump on the dirty swim suit magazine at night because your girlfriend wont even look you straight in the eye! o.O

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cain, Pawlenty, Palin, Bachman and Mitt. Who's the most conservative?

Given that ONLY the most right wing of the right wing will get the GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News' party's nod to go up against Barack, which of the above actually is the furthest to the right? The winner has to be anti abortion, anti gay, anti public education, anti climate change, anti solar and wind and/or anti EPA at the very least. The winner must be pro lowering taxes, pro oil and coal, pro religion (christian) in government and pro 'states rights. Being for 'the gold standard' helps, and of course a bigger military, killing off Social Security and Medicare is essential. Which one lifts your skirt?

Fantasy Football Champions !!! .... Who did you have on your roster when you won?

My fantasy final was the week of 12/24. I had P. Manning, Tory Holt, Hines Ward, Willie Parker, Joseph Addai, LJ Smith, and Oakland's defense. Ward and Parker really did nothing, and I may have won not due to the superb play of my own squad, but my opposition had ELI in at qb and shockey in at TE, so I won by not being as crappy.

Who else thinks Brock Lesnar is the real deal?

Will he be able to simply overpower everyone in the division as advertised? A champion collegiate wrestler with an attitude that completely reminds me of Matt Hughes. A 6'4" 265 lb (yeah right, a 285 lb) Matt Hughes to be exact. Yikes, sounds pretty scary to me... What do you think?

What's the real legacy of Herbert Hoover?

Hoover vacuum cleaners? So easy to clean-up your messes, I wonder if the Senate & Congress have some of those available for them to use.

Steve Nash to Bobcats trade?

I think Steve Nash will not allow that and he might like to go to a championship contender team because of his age rather than a rebuilding team so no not gonna happen.(unless you are playing 2k11 that's ok)

I tried to answer questions about my strange sighting over Hollywood last Saturday night!?

I read your questions but don't know how this sight works in regards to direct questions. I am on the geographic position of Culver City so this makes sense that you saw what I saw. The police chopper showed up seconds later but was not in the same area. I have a clip of both crafts.

Anybody got any good "I wasn't that drunk" quotes?

mine is: I wasn't that drunk... Dude, you locked yourself in my closet and yelled, "The page to Narnia is sealed!!!"

What do think.. think I got all the warrior cat names?

All of them are awesome names, my favorite is "face" because can you imagine saying "Come here face!" made me laugh a bit

Can I keep a Northwestern Alligator Lizard as a pet?

So i caught this alligator lizard one of the ones that only gets to be 20cm long and i was wondering if o could keep him as a pet because he is really nice and doesn't bite. If so what kind of living conditions does he need and food and other stuff please answer soon i really don't want to kill him by accident.

Computer help is this a pretty good setup?

If you can pay for it, I would recommend DDR3 ram for 64-bit, 4gb+ ideally. Fan isn't really necessary, so unless it's really cheap or there isn't anything built-in to the case, don't get it.

What is the difference between 'parce que il(s)...' and 'parce qu'il(s)...'?

It has to be 'parce qu'il'. You cannot use 'parce que il' since 'que' ends with a vowel and 'il' starts with a vowel. Therefore, you have to remove both vowels and replace them with an apostrophe.

Are my bunnies fighting?

When I had been in school for about a month since summer I got a bunny and my sister got a bunny. They are both girls. Lizzy is a small black and white lion head she bites but not through clothes and never wants to be caught. Pomme is a fat lopped eared bunny who likes to nibble on clothing and bob her head up and down. She is easily caught but kicks her feet once shes caught. Now when we got these bunnies the breeder had them in a cage with 4 other female bunnies. Lizzy and pomme just happened to be snuggling up agianst each other in the corner of the cage. We were sure they liked each other. At first they seemed to. We keep them both in a 6ft by 3ft by 2f cage outside. When ever we bring them inside to play pomme is put on the couch and lizzy on the floor. Lizzy usably jumps up on the couch with pomme. When we have a carrot or apple they each fight over it... Lizzy occasionally nips pomme. at first we though she was grooming her. but than not to long ago we discovered a lot of pomme's all over the cage. Are they fighting? I thought they loved each other and were buddies. Is it a thing over who is the dominate bunny?

???????????????Do I have swine flu ??????????????????????????????

consult a doctor, don't be afraid of swine flu, all of us got that already me and my whole clmates and nothing bad happened, unless you are in a high risk cl who has underlying respiratory disease. symptoms are high fever, chills, body pain sorethroat, cold. drink lots of water it can help you. always rehydrate it will help to regulate your body temperature.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Where Can I Find Unique Clothes?

I'm sort of tired of wearing the same clothes as most people, so I'm looking for websites that carry unique but nice clothes. They can be casual, slightly dressy, whatever. I don't want anything slutty, but showing a little skin is fine. I just want something different. I would also prefer websites that won't totally empty my wallet, since I don't have very much money. I like websites like ModCloth and Nasty Gal. I am 20, so I'm not going for anything incredibly refined. If you could give me a good number of suggestions, that would be great! Thanks!

Best Race horse I think is Sea the Stars,what is your opinion?

Sea the Stars is only a 3 year old and is the first horse to win the 2,000 Guineas, Epsom Derby and the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe.

Why are the Raiders always playing the Cheifs?

For as far back as I can remember, the Raiders and Chiefs have been in the same conference. This means that they play each other twice each season. Since it's such a well-known rivalry, the highlights will focus on that matchup.

Where can I find old Star-Ledger articles for free?

I need to get the full text of an article for a speech I'm giving for a cl but I can't find anywhere that will allow me to print out the article for free.

Why do my answers keep getting flagged?

It is a violation to copy and paste the same answer repeatedly. Read the community guidelines and take the pop quiz

What can I take for Gas when I'm pregnant.?

I'm 9 weeks and EVERYTHING makes me toot! I'm tired of farting up my house. is there anything I can take or eat to help?

I don't think he is interested anymore?

he is probably loosing interest or maybe he is just shy. its a 50 50 thing. dont jump to conclusions too fast because you could be misunderstanding him. try and call him or ask him to talk to you so you both can talk about it and see what his feelings are and then act of of his actions. good luck =)

Do you think I'm allowed to call this a sonnet (I probably will, anyways)?

Why not call it a "poem"? That's what it is. It is definitely NOT a sonnet. Why do you want to use that term anyway?

Obsessed with boyfriends ex?

I feel like i am obsessed with my boyfriends ex, everything he has seems to be connected to her in some way. They were together for 3 years, she was his first love. The thing is when they were splitting up (she dumped him) he was completely devastated (me and him were friends) and he would ring me up telling me all the gory details about what they were like together, how much he loved her, even the . They about 6 months later me and him got together. The first year was a nightmare, he was still bringing her up in conversation and i felt as if he wasnt really over her. 2 and a half years now its different. But i found recently he has a folder dedicated to just her, it has letters, pics (including nude ones!) cards and things from her. Im fine with memories but its in his cupboard, his parents call me by her name accidently, and if we are looking at family photos i occasionally stumble across photos of her, all the cuddly toys she got him are still sat ontop of his wardrobe.

Why does Tyra Banks make everything about her?

Any one watch Tyras talk show and notice how she always tries to connect peoples issues to herself? Whe. I watch Oprah I feel like she tries to listen and connect with who she's talking to but Tyra seems to want to make the show about her all the time...for eg the show could be abut someone who feels they're too skinny and tyra will say stuff about how she was skinny when she was a kid and go on and on about it forgetting why she had brought it up! Am I the only one who notices this? What do you think is wrong with her?

Pneumonia or bronchitis, should I go back to the doc?

I went to the Dr. Yesterday and she said it was bronchitis and that she heard a little "coarseness in my lower left lung, but that the cough med. she perscribed should help bring it up. I wasn't given an antibiotic due to it likely being viral. Today I have a very dull apin in my upper back. Almost between my shoulder blades and there were a couple times today when it was a sharp pain down in what I think is my lung. I also have laryngitis that is beginning to last all day now. I think on top of everything else I may have some sort of skin infection under my arm. One area is really red and swollen and another is like an open wound. Coupld this have caused whatever I have now? I know I need to get the skin thing looked at, but it's embaring.


Ok its got jessica alba in it but its pretty old i would guess 80's. It's about a bunch of highschool kids who start taking driver's ed and they all bond. One of them is a nerd and his dad wants him to do good with the ladies but he doesnt care about girls so him and his dad have a bad relatiomship. Jessica Alba lies to her mom and signs the permission slip for drivers ed herself. There's an asian kid named like Ki Chi i think or something that sounds like that and he raps all the time and at the end of the movie he does a rap called "We Be Drivin" I can't think of what it's called and its driving me insane!!!

What do you think of the following message?...?

Chicken flickin thickens the rich n' quick in commitments throwing fits, figs, baseball mitts and bank slips. Face flip pocket slipped, jipped, jif preserved whip, whipped, shape shifted and sifted silky supporting hoarding trips. I admire. So salty no fault we umpire sire's tire ging oily temples tired masonic monkey friars.

Why are baseball fans so hard on steroid users?

I agree somewhat. I find it hypocritical that fans will cry for Barry Bonds' head, but when Mike Schmidt admits to ILLEGALLY taking amphetamines, and that he would have def. taken steroids if they were around in his day, they make excuses.

Recipe for Homemade Goulash?

I have lived in many different parts of America and have found out that Goulash, means a lot of different things. Now the kind of goulash your talking about is the kind my step-mom used to make. You have the right ingrediants listed, just add some cheeses and spices (oregano, basil, garlic, onions, etc.) - it's a by taste recipe!

With Bush signing the "contract" with Iraqi leaders to have troops leave by 2011, is it a mere political ploy?

I think they will be out of Iraq before the date, Obama is going to go ahead with his plan so the Iraqi's will just have to stand up and stop acting like a bunch of weaklings.

Good Backup Freeware?

I'm switching my system from Live OneCare to freeware, and I need to replace the backup component. It needs to be automated, and it needs to compress the data into zip files because I don't want to use up too much space. Any suggestions?

Watching the Electoral Map on the News....?

Has anyone else noticed that even in the deep South, it appears that 2 to 3 solid red states, are now turning pink, meaning leaning McCain? Instead of the solid McCain that they once were?

POLL: Are any other Atheists incredibly sad for humanity?

Nothing you say or do will stop religious people from believeing what they believe. Trying to change thier mind is hypocritical and won't get you anywhere. Ive accepted this long ago, and now I only live life in order to expericence as much as i can before i die. You should do the same.

Do this sentence make any sense?

Yes. Although in this sentence I'm not sure what other monarchIES you're talking about. I'd ume you were only talking about Marie Antoinette and her king, which is a single monarchy.

Why are those who hold a religious belief fearful of truth?

...because they are afraid their foolishness will be revealed. So, they ain't gonna be that foolish.

How can i do this on aim?

i got a new sn, and i have a ToN of buddies on my old one. i don't want to have to write them all down then add them to the other sn, so is there n e way i can just transfer sorta all my buddies from one to the other? or like duplicate my buddy list?

On my action replay something happend and can't fix it?

On my action replay for pokemon pearl i was in the Amity Square with my drifloon walkin around and i ran through the trees and went out of amity square and now i cant fly because it says you can't fly with someone with you how do i fix this

Why should you not eat oysters that don't open up when you put them on the grill?

Because they were dead in the first place. The reason is that you dont know how long they were dead. It is not so much bacteria on the food that is killed but the amount of toxins left on the food from the bacteria being present after the oyster started to rot.

What's your daily routine?

lol okay well wake up at 1030, get a drink wash face and teeth, straighten hair and pony tail it put on work uniform let dog out to pee bring him in put him in bedroom close door put my shoes on go to work at 1120, wait tables deal with alotta old people and drama. go on break at 315 smoke y cigarett call my bf go inside eat lunch smoke a cigarett sighn backinto work til 730ish leave go to dollar general store come home cleanup mabey eat talk on phone take showerget dressd spend time with dog feed him take him outside and play then wait til 9 or 10 for my bf to come home cuddle on couch watch tv go on here then bed

Yesterday, i was at a bar and i was flipping coins on what to do and it worked, why or what does it mean?

yesterday, i was a bar. Girls there were hot. It was extremely difficult to choose and i started flipping coins on who to talk to you, if i should talk to, continue to talk to. Apparently, it had better results than if I did it by violition(my own free will). Normally,usually,the girl i pick, will get arrogant,if i show signs that i like her, and will over react and things will become a mess. But by randomly choosing a girl and changing the flow with a flip of a coin, the whole thing came out differently. The girl just wanted to what was going to happen next.There was a lot of anticipation factor and in fact, i was being stressed out, because there was so much expectancy. What is going on through the minds of these girls and why?

Can you give the prices of iPhone 3gs 32gb in MBK , Bangkok ?

No - because you have to spend about an hour going to different dealers pricer vary so much by up to 2000 Baht - if you have Thai friend to go with you - the phone will be cheaper.

Will entering your PIN backwards into an ATM case the system to alert police of a possible distress situation?


VIP pes, how to, please?

i have tickets to see various bands and was wondering how and if im able to buy/get VIP pes to them? venues include plymouth, bristol and cardiff. please help, would mean a LOT to me, thanks in advanceee.

What celeb is your fashion muse?

I would have to say Cameron Diaz..beacuse its all about he casual and yet y outfits...and her dresses at any award show are impecable...

Why did the moderators screen out questions related to ?

Gun control, abortion, and Supreme court nominees?. These questions are asked every election except this one, Why?.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Question about Virgo men?

They are still turned on by their appearance, just like any other human being. They do value more about intellectual topics and things they are interested about. But they seem to make the environment and the funniness, dull and boring. Why? They're born pessimists. They are shy, conserve, and are caring with those who they feel close to. They are gentle and clean. But they need to loosen up and take a joke or two.

Help! plymouth rr engine switch?

im about to purchase a 360 that was auto and put it into my road runner that had a 340 manual. i know the 360 is external balance. so what will i need to convert the 360 to my 4 speed? from what i have seen sounds like a flywheel. is that all?

Should I have the right to be upset? Overreacting?

no you arent overreacting. end the freindship, unless you have a serious conversation with her about this, and she decides that she cares more about your freindship. On the other hand, she might be a real freind if she truly believes you are going to hell. You should talk to her, and if this is the case, then a religious discussion would be appropriate, as long as she can go through it non-accusatorially, with an open-mind, and without trying to force her beliefs on you.

Does intertribal mean everyone or just native americans? For instance an intertribal pow-wow?

It has been my impression that inter-tribal means everyone can participate not just native americans...

Who is better: Willie "Say Hey" Mays or Babe "The Sultan of Swat" Ruth?

The Babe could do it all hit field and pitch. Also I will jump on the PED bandwagon and play that card. Willie Mays used amphetamines. It may not be popular or cool but yes Willie used PED's. Check out the link provided or do some google searching if you have any doubts about this.

How do i set up activesync on a mac?

Go to my computer or go to the store you got it and ask for help because im not sure sorry hope you get help

Who Should I start at utility? (fantasy baseball)?

My starting man at utility is Brad Hawpe. However, Alexei Ramirez and Carlos Quentin are free agents. I don't know which is the best option to start at utility. What do you think and why?

How good is this computer for gaming?

I don't know how good of a graphics card you can get with only a 500 W power supply plus this stuff. Anyways, other than that, it's good. Btw, you don't need to buy a SATA cable. Motherboards come with plenty.

Guys, help me pls to understand male's mind!?

There is a boy in my uni, he follows me around very often, always trying to bump into me ‘’by chance’’, look right into my eyes, copies me, then during several days he looks at me like i’ve hurt him a lot and kinda like he is very angry with me! Though i even don’t know him! Then again the same story, follows me around and then again pretend to ignore me, turns his back to me, but when i stop looking at him , he turns around and stares at me… i have no idea what’s up with him, but i’m definitely just drown to him… i meet him too often by chance in our huge uni, in empty corridors, when every1 is supposed to be at cles… and i know that he is a nice guy, has lots of female friends and he is verry attractive and stylish and not a stalker lol why does he act like that?

Why do I Ollie and land 90 degrees?

I can Ollie. The only problem is, that when I ollie, I land 90 degrees. The problem with is is that when I ollie off a ledge or something, my momentum is still going forward while my board is sideways causing me to fall. HELP!

How can i give my honda prelude 1993 better performance?

i have 150k miles on it. im not going to race it. i just want it to pick up faster, and give better gas mileage. and just overrall more reliable. please explain specifically step by step what i should do please? and please price the things i need. and please from most important to the least.thank you! and let me know if i should even do anything or jus leave it

Why would david duvall ever think about this?

DENVER, CO—Though he is currently taking a brief sabbatical from golf to spend time with his family, David Duval once again entertained thoughts of dressing in a modest, clean-lined polo shirt, a crisp knee-length navy cotton skirt, and clic pedal-pusher golf shoes in the interest of entering the LPGA Tour under the name of Esperanze Duvette. "You don't suppose I… Huh," Duval said to himself while admiring a set of yellow-and-pink Callaway head covers at a Denver-area pro shop Tuesday. "I mean, what if I… I mean… Hmm." Duval then spent the better part of an hour alternating between staring wistfully at posters of Paula Creamer and holding Lycra-blend sport-dresses up in front of himself while peering in the shop's mirrors.

Let me rephrase my question regarding Vietnam era music... Are there any people who served in the war...?

that could tell me good suggestions for a gift I am making for someone who has served in the war - because I do not want to include many songs that are disrespectful of the soldiers or that a veteran from that war would find hurtful because of the opposition that there was to it. I want the songs to be politically inclined and from that era and around that era, but nothing that would make him upset or think that I am being rude or distasteful... Thank you.

38 and never had a yeast infection?

i'm 38 and have never had a yeast infection; i've been on many antibiotics, used many soaps and body washes (never douched) and i just don't get them. is it possible to never have a yeast infection? out of all of the women i know, i am the only one who has never had one. is it possible i will start to get them after menopause?

What means "recovery sleep"?

"This type of sleep loss is not representative of sleep in daily life since most people alternate between sleep loss and recovery sleep"... Is there a synonym?

I need to know if i can win her back?

I liked this girl for almost 3 years and i could have asked her out and she would have said yes but i just stopped talking to her for like 2 months than she gets a boyfriend, so i apologized to her on FB messaging and we talked on the phone and she told me a story that her BF picked her up from Tennessee when her sister would not bring her back home(GA) that brought me down but im happy for her anyway. in school we had homeroom and she kept asking if i was going to homecoming i said no she kept asking and same answer and she got a new cell phone which her BF also help get her and she wanted me to ask for her # again it was obvious but i didn't, my friend has cl with her and she told him(he is like my brother and he wasn't suppose to tell me) that she like me wanted me to go to homecoming with her and wanted me to get her #.i think about her everyday and she the only girl that i like a lot. is it possible to win her back i mean her BF has a car Money and stuff and i don't i m just a oridinary guy?

If durban watson statistic is 1.3 for 38 obsevations?

If the Durbin–Watson statistic is substantially less than 2, there is evidence of positive serial correlation. As a rough rule of thumb, if Durbin–Watson is less than 1.0, there may be cause for alarm.

Victoria Stillwell vs. Ceaser Millan?

I have personally used Cesars methods with my pack of 6, I know for a fact it works....In using Cesar's methods, I am an interactive member of my pack and I know my pack respects me for my roll as the alpha member not because I'm a walking treat bag. Both, however, agree that humanizing dogs is the root of many well as poor socialization and lack of exercise.

Is there any outward sign of loyalty to the Monarchy among the younger generation of people?

Such as having a picture of the Queen in the House or flying the flag on holidays that honor the Royal family?

Can someone update me on the repairs of the 6 earthquake damaged cables in Taiwan?

I am trying to work from Indonesia where Internet access is still as bad as it was a couple of days after the earthquake incident. No one here is able to give me an update on the repairs. It was said in December repairs could take up to 3 weeks. We are now 24/01 and the situation is as bad as after the quake. When will the repairs be completed?

Why can't I install the xpress mail??

I was installing the xpress mail on my cell (it's a samsung Blackjack), but in the middle of the downloading I accidentaly press stop, and now every time I try to re-install it, I get: "The file insufficient.xhtml was not found. Back to InfoSpace." I clicked the 'back to infospace' link, but nothing happens. The same thing appears when I try to use Internet Explorer.

What do you think of my fantasy baseball team (from a CBSsportsline league)?

Thats a pretty good team. Your natting is really good but your pitching needs some work. Adrian Gonzalez will get you 30 HR and 100 RBI, Chase Utley will give you All Star caliber, Miguel Cabrera will get you 35 HR and 120 RBI, Miguel Tejada is a 15 HR 85 RBI kind of guy, Carlos Beltran will get you 30 HR 110 RBI, Pat Burrel is pretty good, Bj Upton is really good, and Carlos Pena is great as of last season's 46 homers. Nice drafting!

Ok, can you tell me if this is fair?

I am 14 years old, I have a brother who is 16 and a sister who is 8. I have to do ALL the cleaning in the house because my mother is a lazy betch and my dad works all day. I just had a baby 1 month and 2 weeks ago, so I need to worry about taking care of her, not cleaning the house 24/7. My mother literally just watches T.V or drinks with her friends. She doesn't make my sibs. clean, only me, when I should be taking care of my baby, I understand I need to help out, and I don't mind, but like I said, my baby comes first, always. She buys the babies food(the formula) and I buy the rest, and if I say no to a chore she says she won't buy her food, I buy everything else she needs(clothes, diapers, bibs, pacifiers, her crib, changing table, dresser, ect.) So, what do you think I should do? My grandfather already told me I could move in with him and his boyfriend, but I don't want to feel like I am barging in on their lives.

Do jewish believes that going to hell is only for temporary time not forever?

The traditional Jewish belief in Hell is somewhat comparable to the Roman Catholic doctrine of Purgatory. Jews believe that Hell lasts a single year, at the most. You stay in Hell depending on your behavior on earth. If you are truly evil, your soul will be destroyed. If you have been purified, your soul will be resurrected upon the heralding of the Messiah.

Who do you think is the best American Idol singer of all-time?

I think Kelly Clarkson is, but I rarely ever watched American Idol. I'm just judging by past winners, and Kelly has such a good, powerful singing voice. I would probably go with Carrie Underwood a close second.

Gone crazy for this girl?

She dam pretty, smart, popular, nicest personality, but she has bf, but they been together for long time, i asked my friend to ask her what she thinks of me, she said im wired but very adorable, funny, nice and sweet, then my friend asked her if she ever thought of me more then a friend, she said not really, she said im always to shy to talk to her, she said if we come good friend for about 2 years she willing to become more then friends, she has the most amazing smile, we stare at each a lot in the corridors or whenever we p each other,i swear the look she gives me is out of this world, i think about her all day, many girls have asked me out, but turn them down, ppl say im gay, but they dont know i crazy about this girl, no one knows about it but one of my friends, what should i do, i never seen a girl like her, so i cant get over her, i try to talk to her but her looks intimidates me.

What is the most beautiful city , New York or Madrid ?

I've been in Madrid , there has lots of beautiful places to visit , I also know New York has got very fab streets . I love to go there :))

Which NFL teams do you think will be big surprises next year?

The Texans, Saints, Browns, and 49ers. Will all have winning records next year, but only 2 will make it to the playoffs.

I have a Nixon Coolpix camera and whenever I turn it on it says lens error. How do I fix it and what's wrong?

same problem here. It was cause I dropped it......send it into company. its probably still under factory warrenty

Poll: What was the last thing to disappoint you?

For me it was the Harry/Sirius fanfiction. Basically all the stuff has Harry as a girl. WHICH I DON'T WANT, I want some Yoai, and the other stuff involves time travel, which I don't want to read

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Are there any prominent people/leaders in the Tea Party who aren't Conservative Evangelical Christian?

BQ: Is Christine O'Donnel married and if not does that mean she is a virgin give the views she has expressed on pre-marital ?

I'm planning a fake wedding! Help?

Check out a href="" rel="nofollow" They specialize in fake diamonds / cz jewelry with sterling silver. However, most of their sterling silver jewelry are plated with rhodium to prevent the silver from tarnishing. Also check out their men's titanium rings. They have the cheapest price for the titanium rings, some are around $25.

How do oysters survive in tide pools?

Didn't you had a question exactly like this except with shrimp and answered by the same person and answered with the same answer?

Does the USC "system" make players look better than they are?

no matt lienart isnt terrible he just doesnt play and reggie bush is more of a reciever type of back he not a power back like mcalister

What are some objects mentioned in Twilight that you can explain the symbolism of?

Well, there is the vampire's skin. It symbolizes perfection, but then the loss of taste shows that it comes ata price. You had the truck slightly right, but I think that it shows she's a down-to-earth-girl who only needs to live by necessity, not flashy or showy things. There's also that the Cullens keep to themselves, and don't stray to far from each other. It symbolizes the fact that there nervous, and worried how the normal human population would react to them. Naturally, they'd keep their head and not do it.

Getting A New Awuarium Tommorow?

about 150 litre aquarium. i want to create a biotype aquarium. im getting the clear seal 48"(L)x15"(H)x12"(W) is this suitable for angle fish considering the height? if so what fish can they go with and what environment do they live in. also what about live bearers what would be the right ones to keep together and whats their environment i know all about cycling tanks and stuff and how to set up a basic aquarium. they have an ornament in this shop thats like an indian statues head its not that big and it has a gap in the top and you like put an air pump under it and it looks really cool would that be ok in these aquariums?

Can car batteries die for no reason?

Can't you find someone to just jump start your car for you? I think that would be the easiest then drive it for just a bit to make sure it's good and charged back up!

Question about obtaining a greencard through a relative?

My brother (30 years old) is a U.S. Citizen but he lived all of his life in Kuwait. I'm his brother (25 years old), and I want to know If I can get a greencard through him and how it is done .. and the estimated waiting time? I appreciate your help! thanks!

Plumbers advice please?

You must never use a pump with a combi boiler. You can, though, run a thermostatic mixer shower from a combi boiler. Buy a good quality one that incorporates valves to equalise the pressure of the hot and cold water. It can then be connected to hot water supply from boiler and mains cold water in. This will give you a mains water pressure shower (better than any electric shower).

Why don't people believe that there is one and he made the heavens and the earth and all in between.?

I believe in The All Mighty !! How do you explain the comming of Profit Adam and Eve, Mosses, ,Jesus and Mohammed. Witch includes The New Testiment and The Old Testiment, The Tora, The Holly Bible and The Holly Qur'an are gide books that the All Mighty sent down to those who needed books for gidence,

How's this pokemon team?

Instead of kingdra, try a spiker or stealth rock, it will contribute a lot more than a lone rain dancer, as your team doesn't really benefit from this.. Try aerodactyl, or fortetress.

Does he like me or what?

Honestly, if he likes you for real, he'll let you know. He will get your number and text and call and ask you out. I just skimmed over this post and with all due respect, it's a bunch of garbage about giggling and the way he smiles at you and he gave you a couple of looks and he flirts with you. Nothing really concrete to go by here. Doesn't mean he likes you, also doesn't mean he dislikes you. It means you guys are teenagers acting silly. Let me reiterate: if he likes you for real, you will know in due time. If not, he's not the only guy on earth.

How hard is it to get sponsored in Skateboarding?

Honestly I have only been skating for 3 months but I guess I'm getting decent so far... I can do small Ollie's ie i can clear 3-4 in pieces of wood... do board-slides 50-50 grinds...I can skitch on cars up to 35mph so far... I can do right/left side board grabs when going down hills for more speed and I can also slip into a coffin while moving...

I want to start eating as healthy as I possibly can. How can I improve what I already do?

Well it seems you are off to a good start, but I'd be careful about your portions, it's not clearly stated, but it looks a little low. Do you feel you have enough energy throughout the day? I would quit the gum all together, I know it is probably a habit, but with all that aspartame, it's doing major damage to your health. Have you ever heard of a raw food diet? I follow this lifestyle and I feel my health is just getting better and better. Look into it and it's benefits and see if it's something you would want to try. There are many sources for transitioning into this lifestyle, examples of people who have done it and varying degrees of it. Check out my links below. Good luck and have fun!

What does this mean? My boyfriend and I were driving home from his parents house. We drove by is ex's rode..

he turns around in his seat to look down her road. We have been together for 8 months and he kept in contact with her. I read his texts back in november of him iviting her out for drinks. They were together for maybe 4 years and broke up less then a year before we got together. Is this just natural curiousity that he turned around to look down her road or is this a tell tale sign that I need to abandon ship? You know us girls, we read too much into things.

Do you know what to do in case your cat developes hyperthyroidism?

If you ever have an elderly cat and she starts losing weight, get her to the vet for an exam. She could have hyperthyroidism which will make them lose weight, and could die. There is a treatment of 3 month's of radiation called radio-iodine that is costly but worth it if it's caught soon enough to save their life. To make this a question so it doesn't get deleted....Would you spend the $800-900 for the treatment?

Sopcast or tvants link?

please i need a sopcast or tvants link for the first match of pakistan bangladesh and india triseries

I have a teenager daughter who is somewhat ually promiscuous- I am so upset?

...i know it must be hard to face...but that is how young people these days are!!! ...just make sure she knows she can always come to you with anything she needs to!!! ...and make sure she knows all the facts about pregnancy and STDs... that is all you can do in this day and age!!!

Peanut er & Jelly Sandwich - How will you make your PB & J today? The Science Fair results are in?

WOW I found this so exciting. Thanks for the results. I will now go and buy that kind of Jelly. Thanks and what a great project.

Where to purchase sulfuric acid?

I live in Mississauga, Ontario. Do you guys know a store where I can purchase a diluted sulfuric acid?

Is not the real issue in religious differences about control?

So true, religion has always been based on control. "Follow my teachings and fund my fellowship and I will lead you to the promise land." 10% of everything you own is a small price to pay for eternal happiness. Don't you think?

Muslims, do you realize that God has been so Kind to you?

Salam Really I do realize that Allah the only one God has been very kind to me.Allah gives me so much conveniences as subsistences starting from my birth until now alhamdulillah I am healthy and happy for having 4 children and 8 grandchildren although my wife has ped away on June20,2010 last year She is in alam barzah now from Allah come back to Allah. Certainly Allah guards the originality of the Qur'an as life guide until qiyyamah Muhammad pbuh has given us hadith as its supplement.We should obey to Allah with the Qur'an and also to Muhammad pbuh with his hadith We have no reason to disobey to the sahih and important hadith collected by Imam Bukhari and Muslim.

Is there anywhere in either Spain or the USA where disabled people can go on holiday but have help from owners?

Last year I went to France via a fab company called I need a holiday too! ( - it was fab because I could be independent and enjoy a quiet holiday with my children, but the owners were on hand when we needed help - and took us out when I was too tired to drive. Now I am looking for somewhere similar in either Spain or the USA - or perhaps southern France

Do you decorate your car for Christmas?

That is, a wreath on the grill, hanging ornaments on the rear view mirror, or stencils on the windows?

My ex told me she misses me, what should I do now?

Okay so my girlfriend broke up with me 2 months ago and we have been talking off and on for the same period, I sometimes get the impression that she doesn't care (and I was pretty clingy) and then I just stop talking, then we start talking again and the cycle starts. Well I was fed up with this and just stopped talking to her for 2 weeks. She started talking to me on superbowl sunday and it was okay, I mean it wasn't like before but it was fine. Then on that tuesday she said to me that "She misses me". I have talked with her twice since then and the first one was okay, but the second was pretty good! I don't really know what I should do now though, I mean I want this girl back, but I can't tell if my ex wants me back, just wants to talk to me or just wants to be friends. What should I do?

Guitar player crazy hair?

I like that kind of hair myself. You can always experiment with hair gels and friz tamers if and when you want a different look.

I guess not so obvious question about Graham Harrell's future?

After the Browns let him go, my 1st thought was St. Louis. I really hope so because Marc Bulger sucks. I also look at teams like Seattle, San Fran, Denver, and maybe someone like the Vikings who have no #1 as of now.

Is "TYPE-S" trademarked or copyrighted?

I want to start a clothing line called "TYPE-S CLOTHING COMPANY" but is just "TYPE-S" the phrase copyrighted or trademarked where I could get in trouble or sued?

Will there be a New Years countdown at the Stone Temple Pilots STP concert on 12/31 in LA?

The doors open at 8:30, I want to make sure I won't have to scurry away somewhere else in LA for a countdown somewhere else after the concert!

Was there ever a punter for the atlanta falcons whose last name was alexander?

He is from south carolina, i dont know if he was a starter or not but i know he was a punter in the nfl, but not anymore.

Snowflake eels and LYB slider turtle question?

ok i was wondering if anyone knows anything about SFE breeding *i know it is EXTREMELY hard and expensive but it is purely for study not practice* any link that has any indepth info would b vry appriciated ..... also my GF has 2 L yellow belly slider turtles, one is quite big now slightly smaller than normal fist size and the other is a baby, i have heard that the babys need more frequent feeding and the older ones should not be fed as often but she is feeding them both atleast 1 time every 2-3 days contrary to my warnings but my question is will that hurt the older one*Harvey* *as my info came from a less than trusted source IMO* BTW yes the name is from batman :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

So when is the Rachel Nichols-Brett Favre affair rumor gonna start?

I'm surprised that hasnt happened yet. I know it's her ignment from espn like SalPao's was on TO or Shelly Smith on USC, but come on! The girl is constantly following him wherever even former job. I am surprised she hasn't made an allegation on Brett. Everyone knows jenn sterger is a slut and those pics Could've been one of the 100s of dudes she's been with

Shakespearean Sonnets for Macbeth.?

A Sonnet for Macbeth is needed. You can make up your own or find one on the internet. If you do not make it up yourself can you please identify your sources/references.

What are the effects of emotional abuse on teens?

if a thirteen yr old was emotionally abused (*actual verbal and emotional abuse, NOT "boo hoo, my parents don't love me because they won't take me to Hot topic" *) what would it do the teen if it had been going on since they were 8?

How many of us has done this, notice i said us which includes me?

do you tell your kids about santa claus, and tell them if your good he brings you presents. were they heart broken when they found out the truth. and were they disapointed in you for telling them a lie

My dog has mange how can i cure

ok ive already used all the perscirption stuff car oil i know its bad but it made him grow hair back i washed it all out know we are tring to gret some homeremides does natural spring water like going to a spring (poe spring genie spring) does it help ps if possible post other remides

How can I make a trebuchet to throw a 650 gram projectile the farthest, with using a 40 lb counterweight?

I already have a base pre-made. I need help building an arm, sling and trigger. I want have the counterweight free swinging.

How to let this guy off gently..?

You can mention the phrase "friend" a lot towards him so that it sticks in his mind. At the same time, just set boundaries and let him know he stands in the friendship zone, a zone that you dont want to jeopardize. Your reason can be for the fact you are interested in Jack and also you dont want anybody being mislead, nor do you want the awkward feeling of more "xoxoxoxo" and so on. Another way is to just ease up a bit on the attention you give him. The more attention you give him, it may lead him to thinking your interested or that he may have a possible chance.

Sims making magic glitch?

I got the Sims making magic and had the people I made use this spell that turned them into genie looking people and then one of them used the toad spell but it reversed or something and one of them turned into a toad. After that I couldn't find the toad anywhere and tried double clicking its face but no luck. The persons happiness is completely red also, is this a glitch and is there anyway to fix it.

How can iLose weight fast before my freshmen year of highskool starts.?

Well, im a 13 year old girl who has a weight about 184 lbs. & my height is about 5`4 -5. iVe had this problem since iwas in 4th grade cuz iAte my way through stress because we moved alot & sometimes iEat my feelinqs. But now im sick of it. iKno 4 a fact this isnt who iam. Plus, iWant my highskool life 2 be the time of my life witout worryinq. My promotion is coming in May so im trying 2 lose weight for that so ican fit into a dress. But to sum it all up iWant to be at least 40-60 lbs lighter by august 3...the first day of highskool. Plz help me. iReally need it...

Is this any good? Tell me what you think! [short]?

well in my opinion i think its pretty good ... are u going to make it longer cause i wanna know what happens lol oh and btw thanks for answering my question :D

Bearpaw boots from tjmaxx?

Ok,so im 13...and apparently there is an UGG boot fad at school...everyone tells me they are REALLY comfy and stuff...well,of course,my mom wouldn't pay 180-200 dollars for overpriced we went to tjmaxx and got theese "bearpaw" boots that were really cheap (on sale for $20,practically a steal)...until common sense hit me,and realised they weren't even the actual bearpaw brand (so,it's a knockoff,WITHIN a knockoff)..i realised this because on REAL bearpaw boots,they har a little pawprint on the heel...mine just has a little tag hanging that says bearpaw...i know i should have "individuality" and not go into fads like this (hey,at least im not in the "northface jacket and sperrys boat shoes fad"...) anyway,of course,the price of the boots really reflects the quality,so i know im not going to get the real deal for just $20...unless they were used...anyway,are these REALLY knockoffs within knockoffs...or should i just not care...i mean seriously,school isn't a fashion show!but it's kind of hard for me not to care...ARGH!what is your input?

Are people who believe in the rapture (but not Harold Camping's rapture) any less wrong than the poor?

unfortunates who believed in Camping? When do people wake up to the fact that superstition is bad for you?

Movie question: Like Water for Chocolate?

I saw just the very beginning of the movie Like Water for Chocolate years and years ago. From what I remember, a woman went into labor in her kitchen and was rushed to the hospital. The next day, a woman returned to the kitchen where the pregnant woman's water broke. The water was all dried up and there was salt all over the floor, and she swept it up and put it in a container, presumably to cook with. This is how I remember it, but it doesn't seem to make sense? Has anyone seen it recently that can tell me what really happened?


Ok So I have an 18 month old baby. And this past week I have been having a strong feeling that I am pregnant. Some same signs I had last time tht I have now include tiredness, cramping waay before my period is due when usually i start cramping abut a week before period is due. Another thing that makes me wonder is I NEVER dream. Last pregnancy I have weird dreams that I could remember almost every night and these last 2 nights I have has very weird short dreams and I can remember what I was dreaming about. That really makes me wonder like i said i never dream. So my period was end of every month and last month I was a week early and it is in the last week of this month I bought a preg test and it was negative i took it in the afternoon but i was peeing alot n drinking alot so my pee was diluted which i told my hubby but he insisted i took it. also last time i was preggo i took a 5 day sooner the day after my period was due and it was neg took one 2 days later and it was positive.. i am s confused i feel llike im going to get my period but i also feel like i just know im pregnant. i dont care either way i would love another baby but not trying i would just like to know. and i dk when my period is due and advice or suggestions? what does it sound like? thank you all in advance and sorry i talk so much!!

Can you change the color of Suede?

Gatting a pair of boots that are red suede and would like them to be brown. Is there a Dye that can be used? What is it called? Where can I get it? Is it expensive?

We use IM at work as another communication tool. Do you find it difficult to talk to coworkers?

You don't see them face to face and they may convey your IMs negatively since they don't speak to you on the phone or in the office. Some of the coworkers are in another state and country.

Favourite tv show? Choose from list?

I have a good collection of shows on disc or on my pc and don't know where to start. Which of these shows do you personally enjoy and which shows really suck? Burn notice, dark angel, knight rider'09,breaking bad leverage, the cleaner, blood ties, merlin, robin hood, rome, the collector, Reaper, E-ring, 4400,bones, criss angel, crusoe, ncis, firefly, flash gordon, fringe, pain killer jane, sanctuary, surface, terminator sarah connor chronicles, warehouse 13, friday night lights, Shameless,stargate universe,being human, spartacus blood and sand. also, which show's would you recommend that aren't on the list.thanks so much:)

Heartbeats -The Knife/Jose Gonzalez?

I know that The Knife did it first, but I keep hearing that Karin Dreijer wrote it for Jose this true? What is their relationship?

What was considered proper in the 1800's of England?

Hey I was just wondering what was proper and improper in England in the 1800s, between young ladies and young men (teenagers) All through how they were suppose to act around each other and what were they suppose to wear or not wear in front of each other. Thanks

What would be the coolest animal to ride into battle with?

a href="" rel="nofollow"http://www.themostawesomepageintheuniver…/a

MA state police paintjob?

There's no law that says you have to paint the car. You just can't have any decals or stickers on the car to make it look like a police vehicle.

If the US attack ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS on the borders will people view us as a MILITARY DICTATORSHIP country ?

Lol no shiit we would be sued. Ever wonder why our fences on the boarder don't have spikes or no electrified? Cuz some idiot would always try and defy it and when he gets killed in the process we will look like murderers for that guys idiocy.


99.99 a month will get you the simply everything plan with sprint. unlimited calling anytime of day, unlimited texting, unlimited web surfing, gps navigation,sprint music ( downlaoding songs is of course additional costs) spritn tv, unlim picture and video messaging too.but if 99.99 is too much to pay for you each month then maybr try the everything 450 plan. everything else is still inlim but you only get 450 anytime minutes. nights and weekends still start at 7pm

What can I use overcooked potatoes and carrots for?

I cooked a couple of chickens in a crock pot yesterday, then when they were done I took them out and put some potatoes, carrots and onions in the drippings to cook, but I forgot about them and the cooked overnight. Now I have some overcooked potatoes and carrots that aren't very appetizing by themselves. The potatoes are sort of creamy, I guess they absorbed a lot of the chicken fat, and the carrots have the texture of cooked carrots but they just taste like chicken. Is there something I can use them in so they don't go to waste?

How did i do today? did i eat ok?

you shouldn't be getting 650 calories in one sitting. They should be more spaced out than that. Do you also keep up with your sugar, and fat/saturated fat for the day? I think you should join this site: a href="" rel="nofollow" It is great! Plus, if you put all the things you eat on there for a day, it will give you a grade (A, B, C, D, F) on how healthy you did. It also has tons and tons of different foods in the database which also have grades, so you can see what something is graded before you eat it. I know for a fact that Starkist tuna is a C! Also, go here: a href="" rel="nofollow" to find out what you need nutritionally daily.

Have you ever had a tailbone abcess?

If yes, then you can feel my pain. The first one the doctor sliced open and drained, most painful experience ever. Every recurring one drained on its own but i just squeezed one today and woo-hoo, i can sit down again.

Paul Simon singing "The Boxer" on the 9/11 tribute episode of SNL?

Does anyone know where I can find a video clip of Paul Simon singing "The Boxer" on the 9/11 tribute episode of Saturday Night Live with Rudy Giuliani and Reese Witherspoon starring? Thanks!

I need friends, how can i get friends?

I know what you mean. I don't get along with girls very easily either. They feel threatened by me for some reason. I get along with guys much better. You should ask him to go try out a new restaurant with you that just opened up in your town. Or a place that you have never been. Go on a walk. Go to the fair. Just say "I was thinking about doing ______ this weekend. Would you like to go with me?" Good luck, and just be confident and yourself!

The Boston Celtics have the 7th pick in the NBA Draft... who should they select?

Patrick o Bryant west puts up pretty good numbers and they don't need an immediate replacement for scriacback i say they take Patrick o Bryant because they have no post presence this guy will be good

Farting in Public stories?

HA HA HA HA! That is nothing. My little brother who is six farted all loud in line at Express in the mall. It is SATURDAY so it is all packed and he farts LOUD with FORCE and points to ME and says, "YOU DID IT! YOU DID IT!" I was all shocked and look around to see no-eye-contact snobby repulsed faces.

What are your top 3 CLIC Disney movies?

I mean the older movies, like Snow White, Cinderella, Lady and the Tramp, etc etc. It doesnt have to be just cartoons, live action movies like Mary Poppins count too. Oh, and same with the Pixar movies like Toy Story or A Bug's Life. Just keep it clic, don't name any of those tv Disney movies like the Lizzie McGuire movie or something. If you don't have a top three, just name your all time favorite Disney movie. I LOVE Disney movies and everything related to it, so I'm just interested in hearing your opinions. Best Answer goes to the person I agree the most with! :D

Socialism = Collectivism, 10% Capitalism rest Marxist? what is the difference?

The difference is that dumb right wingers don't have any idea what this stuff means. They just heard it on the Rush Limbo "River of Hate" radio show.

Should I keep searching for the truth, or let it go so we can try to work through this?

I wouldn't bother to go behind his back for anything. If you need to do that, you know what the answer is. I would stop all accusations now and go straight to a counselor. If he won't go, go for your own peace of mind. Only you can decide if you are willing to stick this out. I don't know your history with him. Personally, I would say that if the trust is broken, it is very difficult to fix and I would walk away, but I also know that marriages can survive this. The bottom line is do you both want this to work? If so, you both need to sit down together when there isn't drama and high emotions and talk about what you both expect. Be firm. Tell him that you deserve and expect honesty and trust and nothing less. But if the conversation becomes drama oriented, then no one will win. Talk as if you are first getting to know him and put accusations aside. Listen to what he says. Don't let him sweet talk you, but don't be overly suspicious either. If you really listen, you'll get your answer on whether he is a decent guy who wants to try or just a schmuck. Good luck! I hope it all works out!

People have asked me if I am Cuban, Mexican, Brazilian, Eastern European, Lebanese, Spaniard, Portuguese,etc?

well my husband is Hawaiian, ppl think he is black, puerto rican, middle eastern, just about everything except for what he is. He wonders the same thing

Can i run age of conan on this?

It may cut it on low/medium, the graphics card kind of lets you down however everything else seems fine.

Is it wrong that i am sleeping with my girlfriend but no at 17?

wow. I doubt I'd have the self control to do that. You're absolutely doing the right thing. taking advantage of your situation would be very cruel. I think if you just keep on with how you are, and ignore your friends, you'd be doing the best thing possible for her.

Should You Date A Best Mate?

yeahh, that is flurting and to me, it seems to me that you like each other but yeahh, it might possibly mess up your friendship. but if you like him that much, and he means the world to you, let him know how you feel

How many grams of Na3PO4 will be needed to produce 650 mL of a solution with following info:?

A scientist wants to make a solution of tribasic sodium phosphate, Na3PO4, for a laboratory experiment. How many grams of Na3PO4 will be needed to produce 650 mL of a solution that has a concentration of Na+ ions of 0.800 it M?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Can you use any film for a fisheye camera?

There is no such thing as "lomography film". I wish people would learn at least the basics before buying cameras and whatnot. Just get regular, 35mm film. Lomography products are overpriced. ;)

Why do I sweat more after applying fairness cream and is it ok?

its happens mostly all of may depends on the room temperature,quantity of cream nd dnt worry this is normal ...fairness cream is doing hiss joooooooooob..wellll.....

I need a roller derby name. Help?

My name is Jennifer and I am going to try out for roller derby... I know it's early, but I would like to have a nickname... Any ideas?

Is it really traffic in the mornings on I-95 drive from Orlando to Miami?

if you leave orlando about 10:30 you will not get any traffic at all in either city. the turnpike is really the only way to go the other way is too long. if you want you can switch to i95 in jupiter you will see the signs. yes be careful with the troopers they hide and get you when you least expect it

HELP!!!!!!!! In Texas....?

I have a 1975 Plymouth Duster. Do I have to take an emissions test because of its age? I cant get antique plates because it will be a daily driver. Harris County

Is it normal for the regulator to leak out gas when you hook up a new propane tank?

I've been experiencing some problems with my grill lately. Before I changed out the tank my grill wouldn't get very hot even on high, but this wouldn't happen everytime. One night the burners went completely out and I umed that it was out of gas, but now I'm starting to think that the regulator just finally completely failed. I went and got a new tank and hooked it up and the regulator started shooting out gas. Is this normal at first or is it time for a new regulator?

What is your lucky charm?

Mine is this two year old piece of bob evans sausage. I put it in my pocket to eat later and I stopped in the store and won ten dollars on a scratch off lotto ticket. Now I carry it with me everywhere.

Should Republicans and Democrats settle it once and for all?

Over a game of Scrabble? Put the last con "Decider" against our current President. Or let Senator Kerry and Bush* settle it at 20 paces.

What effect does the structure of The Great Gatsby have on the book as a whole?

Nick arrives from the Midwest and returns to it at the end, so the story is a complete, realized whole. That completeness gives a finality and authority to his final connections on American history in Chapter IX. The novel also builds to a conclusion in chapter VII, when Gatsby's dream of recapturing Daisy is shattered and he is (as a result of the accident) killed. The denouement is thus protracted, and the drawn-out feature underscores the brooding, meditative quality of the conclusion.

Need help with picking a major. Please help!?

you could do public relations or business management. you need organization skills for munity work too.

Are our ideas of God outdated?

Most people think they are the best. They are surrounded by and surround themselves by people of like beliefs. People that cling to the old paradigms can not see beyond their limited scope. Usually people are stuck in a religious system that reinforces their ideas and beliefs through community. Even if it were to occur to them to challenge their ideas they probably would not; because, that would mean going against and maybe losing family, friends, and self-righteousness. Many people love to feel that they are better than the others.

What do I do now...........?

Well the teacher that I thought was in Kuwait lives in a different country now. WTF? Google does wonders when looking for information. I don't want to seem stalkerish, but I really want to say hi to her. Should I e-mail her? What do I say?

Coast guard help?

Ok. So, I have decided that I want to switch over to enlisting in Coast Guard. I am currently in Navy DEP. I will also submit a package to Coast Guard OCS. The only problem is the that CG recruiter won't talk to me until I get out of Navy DEP. But I can't and won't until I talk to the Coast guard recruiter. What should I do?

Why my KICKBOXING SPARRING friends avoid training with me now when they discover that im gay?

like society cant make a peace with it, if you are strong aggressive sporty and gay they feel jeopardized and unsecured that gay man can be better and stronger in kickboxing or they feel less manly if they lose fight from the gay man

Which diaper pail would you recommend for keeping odors in...Diaper Genie, Diaper Champ or another?

I want the one that works best, but I don't want to have to purchase special bags/liners. What works best for you?

Why am i getting this?

Wow......I have some too, but I can't explain why. So will be waiting for some good answers with you. Good question. I am a women, and hide it under make up, but I hate make up.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Could the test have been wrong ?

hi all i took a test at 8 DPO and got my BFP it was a clearblue plus so i though i would wait till my missed period and do another and show my hubby and i did a first responce one and got BFN oh and period still not her whats going on what ne will be right ?

Can my laptop run these games at a decent frame rate?

Look up and compare the minimum specifications for the games and compare to the lap tops specifications to find out. You will need more ram memory and most likely the graphics will be minimal and will have to run the games at a low setting if they run at all.

The most incredible drugs!?

Has anyone heard about these drugs before? I have found out about the most incredible drugs to make you feel great. They come from organically grown fresh vegetables and are called vitamins and minerals. All you have to do is eat them. They are fairly cheap (compared to other drugs) and even taste great. Better yet - there are no negative side effects. If you combine these drugs with mild exercise such as Tai-chi, Yoga or Pilates, that magnifies the effect. Best yet, it is legal so far. The drug pushers of these drugs are called, "Health Food Stores". Spread the word! ,

Stupid guys wat should i do?

it is human nature to look at pretty things and comment on it. You will learn that as you grow older. There is nothing you can do to stop this and there is nothing your bf can do either. I say just let ppl talk, don't let it get to you! It's really not a big deal, I know right now you think it is but it isn't. If you really do hate it, tape down your chest or wear baggy clothing, not much else you can do about it!

Do you think that mistaking Africa as a country reinforces the thought that Africa is a monolithic culture?

Yes. People would never mistake Europe or Asia as being a single country because they realize that Europeans are a diverse group of people just as they know that Asia is full of people of diverse ethnicities and cultures. Yet people seem to think of Africa that is mostly a barren, wild land filled with exotic animals and blacks who look the same, speak the same language, share the same culture and history when this is far from the truth. This is due to the stereotypes reinforced in the media, schools and other places about Africa also due to the lack of media exposure and education on the diversity and richness of African cultures, languages, people and history.

Why is healthcare one of the only areas of US life where "socialism" seems to be anathema?

I'm a Brit, and I remember the days of real socialism over here, and I'm constantly amazed by people in the US who claim that there's something inherently unAmerican about socialised heathcare. After all, defence is socialised, policing is socialised, fire departments are socialised. How come only the idea of socialised healthcare makes people so jumpy over there? And will there come a day when the rabid fear of anything left wing that was drilled into America in its post-war anti-Communism days mellows to a point where socialised healthcare is a generally acceptable idea?

WHY DO PEOPLE SAY HANNITY IS RACIST? He has blacks on his shows?

I don't get why people say this. He disagrees with Obama's policies and ways of governing. He doesn't dislike him for his race. This is the only thing I could think of that people could draw race from. He had OJ on his show before

Can I paint my room Tiffany Blue?

Lowe's has this color matching service so does that mean I can get the paint that matches Tiffany Blue even though Tiffany Blue is a trademark?

A big stubbled gun-slinging man saunders into a saloon in the wild west america with his pet crocodile?

the big mans fella ,was he gay,and where did he bite his fella .If ur american this will make no sense

Should I accept this trade?

I would take that trade and run. Roddy White can't get this many targets all year long and then you would have 3 SOLID RB's. I think Deangelo will get more chances with the rookie QB. Marshall should finish the year pretty close to Roddy in production.

If you were to get a tattoo commemorating all the worlds cultures what symbols would you put in it?

From Polynesian, Adinkra, Polish, Egyptian to Maya, Aztec, Scottish, Samoan, and Arabic. Anything symbol.

What ever happened to Michele Obama?

She appeared at the DNC but has been out of sight since then. Is Barack Obama's campaign hiding her? Cindy McCain is very visible.

Who thinks Mark Hughes is going to up Man City and get sacked? Hopefully he will. City sucks nuts, true?

He'll be lucky to survive to Christmas. They don't play great defense and there are too many egocentric strikers and not enough playing time. They made a huge mistake by not signing Sturridge to a long-term deal and the Lescott deal could collapse.


i want the iphone soooo bad but i have verizon...there r rumors that the iphone will be on verizon next this tru??

Christmas gifts for my brothers? Help!?

I have two brothers, one is 12 and the other is 21. Im 18 and a girl. My brothers are both sports fans and are HUGE pittsburgh penguins fans but they like the steelers and the pirates too as well as many other sports teams. My older brother already has sooo many collectibles/posters and I was trying to look for something he could maybe use in his apartment like plates or something. I just want to find him something he'll use and is cool. My younger brother loves sports but is a typical 12 year old and likes toys and games etc.. I was thinking about getting him a snowball launcher but I dont know if its too childish. I'm not full of money either. So if you have any suggestions please let me know :) thankyouuu

Friends,enemies,realtionships,… need help plz and thank u!!?

See once upon a time i used to be best friends with this girl(Imani) but abut 6 months ago i got a bf(Kevin) who was her ex .And we broke up because i relaized he wasnt worrth our friendship.They got back to gather that same day (crazy huh).Things got awkard.And i started hanging out with a group of differnt people and i guess her and another friend got mad cause i woulnt come over to them and start hanging out with them like i use to.And on a cl trip Imani and I became friends again.I got a new beau(jason) and loved it .And over the summer we had a bad break up and me and Imani grew apart(really crazy huh).And her "bf", Kevin was hittin on my best friend.School is back in session and things are awkard we arnt really friends , she talks about people..and i dont think its cool because that starts drama....i 'm confused because at times she can be a good friend and then she can turn on u and become your enemy.........and i still have feelings for Jason and my sorces say he likes me 2

What do you do when there is a debited amount for Allowance for Doubtful Debt?

I have an accounting question that shows a trial balance having an debited balance of 820. i have learnt how to deal with allowance for doubtful debt balances when they are credited. Has the question made an error or how can i post them into the general ledger?

What is the best website to shop for disney school supplies?

I would only guess the Disney site.....

How to leave a corrupt county in Northern California?

I am being told I have a medical condition that the hospital doesn't have a name for, neither the primary care physician. I believe whatever triggered my symptoms was brought on by people I no longer speak to anymore. The reasons being for tax reasons and that they want me obtain disability. I can't get disability because I do not have any disability. Another corrupt issue is that I reported someone to CPS for , dragging a child by the arm, and continually telling the child that they hate them. Nothing was done about it and my anonymous report was made public to her, even though I didn't give my name or call from my own phone. Now smy folks are pro- and verbal, mental abuse who work in hospitals, DMV, grocery stores, on the street have an agenda for me. If people who have tried to help are disappearing then what can be done? Surely there are more people in this nation than in one county overrun by organized crime. I'm sure the president wouldn't want such a beautiful country being ociated with welfare foodstamp mongering people who cannot swallow their pride and instead interfere with people's way of life with illegal stalking and public slander, label and bodily threats. Did this ever happen before? People coming in a federal level and removing corrupt entities from positions where even the smallest amount of power is misused. Currently my license is revoked for a medical reason that hasn't been diagnosed, because there isn't one. People are openly making comments about "one more step till oblivion" meaning inducing a condition, then death. Is this something the country wants to be known for,trapping and hurting innocent people?

When is britney spears coming out with new music??

Don't know but I heard she'll be making new music sometime soon I like her music too and I used to like her but shes changed dramatically...I hope she can change again and make an AWESOME COMEBACK!!!

What will work better for my hair a GHD or the instyler..?

my hair is a couple inches past my shoulders, it is layered, and it's not thin but not think so kinda in the middle.. i have a chi but it's not the black's zebra hair will be straight but after an hour its all flipped around and i just end up pulling it up in a!?!?!!?!?

How would i get these soiled stains off my sock!!!?

i have white socks with a puma >colored< emblem. i dont want that to turn white but then i have the soiled stains(like from walking outside lol me). is it oky to use baking soda or w/e?like this link ...could i use this too? a href=";_ylt=Aiajj2jUyZcr4hSqQ_IMt1kjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20070725105647AABbeWA";…/a

So in my pack of Skittles, I found a disfigured one...?

It's really tempting to eat, but I also want to save it for my collection of disfigured candy. So what should, I do eat it or keep it?

What should I ask for?!!!?

Oooh err if you're a girly type girl and want a credit card mabye a few hundred on a credit card? (Lloyds TSB has a credit card which you can have from 11 - 15, You cant take out more money than you've got in your account but you can by stuff in stores and online) (:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why are White people targeted?!?

Newsflash: running at a police officer while holding a knife may get you killed, regardless of your skin color. It doesn't sound like the government targeted this guy so much as he targeted himself.

A student prepares ethyl benzoate by the reaction of benzoic acid with ethanol using a sulfuric acid catalyst.?

The following compounds are found in the crude reaction mixture: ethyl benzoate (major component), benzoic acid, ethanol, and sulfuric acid. Using a handbook, obtain the solubility properties in water for each compounds. Indicate how you would remove benzoic acid, ethanol, and sulfuric acid from ethyl benzoate. At some point in the purification , you should also use an aqueous sodium bicarbonate solution. I found ethyl benzoate to be almost insoluble in water, benzoic acid soluble in water, ethanol miscible in water, and sulfuric acid miscible in water, but I am having trouble in removing all those compounds from ethyl benzoate.

Which should i pick from this 2 motherboards?

They are both similar the ASRock has more expansion ports so I guess it is better in that sense, otherwise it doesn't really matter which one you get, although I suggest not going with the micro atx out of personal preference due to size constraints, this depends on your case of course

Is Obama the Antichrist?

they keep saying it all over the internet. and i just wanna know ur opinion. i've spent the last hour just looking at articles about this concern and also videos there is a lot of proof that he is the Antichrist! that is very creepy. At first i liked obama but now it looks kinda weird..

Hey! any good singers that you know of or band? something like katy perry?

i just want it to be maybe simalar to katy perry.,..or porcelain and the tramps...lmaybe not LIKE them...but like, just as KICK *** as them =]]] thanks XD

I'm a college student and will be in NYC for one night in March. Where should I stay to maximize my time?

a motel in queens or brooklyn might be the answer. i was going to say new jersey, but then you would have to pay toll to get into nyc. queens and brooklyn is just a hop over a bridge to get into manhattan and they should offer parking. good luck.

Is the FARM JOBS LLC on line recruitment agency in U.S. is registered in poea?

The FARM JOBS LLC in U.S. where i am applying was asking a $95.00 for placement/processing fee before they mail the Contract form to me. Is this legitimate or scam?

What do you think of fascism?

Personally I reject this ideology. Any political system which has violence and suppression of democratic values at its core is doomed to failure.

Do you believe it was necessary for America to sell arms to the Iranians during the 80s?

I am simply asking from a historical stand-point. Also, political people may be more interested in this question. If not then, I will rephrase the question and put it in the History section of Yahoo! Answers.

Why is John Cena leaving the WWE?

Well now since smackdown has moved 2 syfy i cant watch anything if the WWE :( But on WWE'S Facebook it said something about John cenas final farewell & well yea

What is a good name for this character?

I'm writing a romance novel and the girl is witty and beautiful, but short-tempered and has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor. Can you help me think of any good names? I was thinking of Gemma, April, Sadie, Bridget, and Arianna. Any other ideas? Thank you so much!

Is it ok to refreeze thawed brine shrimp?

I bought some frozen brine shrimp and accidently left it in the car for 4 hours is it ok to re freeze and then feed it to my fish?

Why wont the dentist treat my nerve? will i lose my tooth?

I have had a similar problem but in my case i think it was my dentists fault for not doing a good job of the filling in my bad tooth in the first place.i was awake watching tv at 3am monday and i was eating some toast and my filling came loose inside the tooth.I went to the dentist at 9am the same day and unfortunatly my tooth was rotten underneath so i had to have it pulled,and it hurts like a ***** still.I suggest u ring your dentist and tell em u are in severe pain which is causing you to be unable to eat or sleep,any good dentist surgery will see you the same day as u phone,that way u are not waiting 2wks

Rate my yu-gi-oh mixed deck and give suggestions please.?

people cant rate ur deck if its too random, u should just stick with a type of cards(batterymans, blackwings, or just dragon deck).

What are some good rock songs?

I like songs such as ones by Lincoln park, switchfoot- meant to live, System of a Down -hypnotize, Lenny Kravitz- fly away, coldplay -viva la vida and other songs like those. But i don't really like heavy metal or any of that death stuff.

Any ladies have a R.E.D. snowboard helmet?

I have a gift card that I can only use on a RED helmet, and am unable to try it on. Money aside, I am looking at the womens Hi-Fi, Trace, and Pure.... I know they are all similar (unbrimmed and will be black) but which is the most popular style? I just want to have the best odds that it will fit alright. Don't tell me to try it on, please only answer if you have anything to say about any of these helmets (like if you tried it on and didn't like it, or did). Thanks!

Im new with psp pls hlp me?

if you bought the PSP 2000 series, then congratulations, you need to take it back to the fellow you bought from and tell him/her that you want to be able to play downloaded games. its too complicated to modify it yourself. then go to Yahoo! and search PSP game titles. if you bought the PSP 3000 series, then sadly to tell you that, if you want your microphone (for skype) to be intact, theres no solution for you to play downloaded games yet, just have to be patient like i do. (i have the 3000)

Please give me your honest opinion of this story?

Childish, Bad format. Remember, even though most comedians can get away with just swearing and being crude on stage, doesn't mean that you can too.

When it comes to "Made in China" what is the solution to these types of problems?

Raising the price of customs duties to not involve trade with China and increase controls to check and solve the problems.

Is the New Testament the new Torah??

answer: No, because that would mean accepting Jesus as the messiah and he didn't fit the bill for them so it can't be a new covenant. That's not even circular logic.

Has anybody ever heard that writing your emails or postings in all capitol letters is not proper?

i am in a caregiving on line group where you can post comments. i was writing all my comments in capitol letters. i was just sent an email by one of the people in the group. he told me i was wrong for writing in all caps. he said it was like yelling. he also said it was harder to read. i thought it would be easier to read. whats the real deal? am i wrong or what.

Oltl: what was up with today's episode?

I think natty(who for years has needed a bitchslap) was being unfair. Excuse me if i'm wrong but didnt john basically be at her beck and call like a good father and should...when she knew that brody could be liam's father? Back when she told john she was pregnant...should she have added that their possibility of another father? I think that john and kelly would be a nice couple even though it might not go farther than buddies. Oh and clint knew for 2 years about rex...stacy should have probably said something before that whole ice cube thingie? Also tessica is back (i knew it wouldnt be long) nice to see she hasnt reminds me of nash....creepy. Bo is rex's biological father...that is gonna come out soon. Poor roxy it's sad to see the coolest and foxiest chick in llanview break out in tears...hopefully the town will come together and help her rebuild. Last of all starr manning it took her that long to figure out that tessie was back in action...she's getting stupider right? Poor hope lol.

Can anyone hlp me to write a short speech on '' If I'm a milliniore''?

IF im a millionaire , i would do lots of things such as: buying myself a big house filled with luxury items . i would also donate a large amount to charity then with the rest i would make sure that everyone in this world have a large supply of chocs

Good Setting quotes in The Great Gatsby?

Ok, I'm writing my english exam soon and need several good quotes from the book about setting and/or the illusionary world the novel is set in. Thanks

Does anyone know how i can cut my bangs like this?,r:3,s:0&tx=62&ty=101

Monday, August 8, 2011

Bureaucrats? I don't fully understand this concept!?

Bureaucracy is an organizational structure, and set of regulations and procedures to manage large organizations and governments. Without a bureaucracy it would not be possible to run large organizations, but they are often very frustrating to deal with, because no one you talk to has the power to do the sensible thing in cases where the rules do not fit the problem you have.

Is this a reasonable cost for a door and install?

We are looking at getting our entry-way redone. A new therma-tru fibergl door, side lights, and a transom. We got a bid of $2,500 for materials and $2,000 for labor. The labor feels a little high for me but I have nothing to compare it to.

Where can I buy the My Chemical Romance mascot helmet?

Ok, pretty self explanatory. I want to find the MCR mascot helmet (as seen in the Na Na Na music video) and buy one. Anyone know where I can purchase one?

Uk shoe sizing and american sizing difference?

cause my mom was gonna buy my cousin a pair of ugg boots and she lives in the uk and she said her size is a 9 but idk if that would be different or the same in u.s. sizing? thanks and merry Christmas!

If your lover betray you, but you still love her and marry to her. Can you forget your wife's betrayal?

She did NOT have a right to cheat. Marriage is supposed to be about love and trust, she betrayed the trust. That's not your fault. Don't you dare let her blame you and don't you dare think YOU caused it. If she was a trustworthy, loving, wife she wouldn't have done it.

Please hlp with Chem?

My guess is that the visible photons combined need to provide as much energy as the x-ray rediation. Since frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength and frequency is proportional to energy, 25 visible photon are the minimum number (25x32=800).

How do creationists define "new information" in the context of DNA?

You do know that posting scholarly research doesn't count when Creationists are involved. Creationists do not trust the honest, patient work done by scientists in the field of evolutionary biology. Their mistrust of other people spreads across all the information collected by universities and research institutions, and for them, becomes moot in the face of their 'biblical' beliefs.

What's the difference between these processor specs?

I'm buying a new laptop really soon (16" Studio XPS from Dell) and I'm a little torn on which processor to go with. The first is the Intel Core 2 Duo P8700 (3MB cache/2.53GHz/1066MHz FSB). The other is the Intel Core 2 Duo T9550 (6MB cache/2.66GHz/1066MHz FSB). The second is obviously better, and costs an extra $125, so I was wondering if it was worth it. My friend said the lesser processor would actually be better because it would prolong my battery life and cause less overheating. I'm tilted more towards a better processor though. Is the difference between these that big (in performance and battery/heat) or is it negligible wnough where $125 just isn't worth it? Thanks for any advice!

Do you also find Atheist to be, bitter, negative people?

Im a somewhat religious teenager, im very spiritual and I do look to my religion for guidance and answers every once and a while. I have a friend who is an Atheist(he was raised as one because of his parents cynical beliefs of religion) and he is a good friend(I even considered him my best friend at a point). But as my dad and I dropped him off after I saw a movie with him and my other friends, my dad pointed out how cynical he was. I started to realize the fact that whenever I talked to him, he would always sort of highlight the negative even when he has nothing bad really happening. And then, I realized his mom was is the same way. Do you observe the same characteristics of Atheist?

Maximum height of the ball (projectile motion)?

A soccer ball is kicked from the ground into the air at velocity-20m/s at 27degree from the horizontal..what is the maximum height reached by the ball?

What is Electric Current?

In books electric current is the flow of electron in a conductor. my lecturer says thar current flow from negative to positive and some told that recombination of electron and hole is called current. which is correct? please tell me. i will wait for your answer.

How do you give a horse bran?

i bought a bag of bran for my pony but how do you give it to him? Can you mix it with chaff or wet it. Also what other additives will keep him healthy?

Should i get my daughter a ps3?

The PS3 is the wrong system for her. Get her a Wii because PS3 doesnt and will never have mario games. It has more adult related games and theres not much that she would like about it besides the Blu-Ray from what your saying.

How Many Calories are in Beef Stew Meat?

Just wanted to know how many calories are in beef stew meat that you buy cut up at the grocery store?

PlEASE help.. this was a first. And now I don't know what to say or think..?? :(?

if u didnt go all the way,den u won ne sound like u wasnt truly ready n the bacc of ur mind,since u knew wat was up.move on,u c his actions after n he actin like a jerk & it didnt even happen,wat u think wouldve happened if u did go all the way?...& if u realii did,picc urself up & move on neway

Perfect wrestlemania 25 card (rate please)?

I rate it a 6. Hopefully Jeff won't be in the MITB 'cause he will already be champ. Big Show vs. Miz, alright, but I don't think Miz will win the title this soon. JBL vs. Rey, it already happened, Rey was the one that made JBL retire in the first place, it wouldn't be good since they've foughten so many times before. Evreything else would be cool.

Can you be an honest politician and still get elected?

You don't have to lie, but telling the whole truth about things as you see them will keep you from getting elected unless you are as uninformed as the average voter. I worry the most about the politicians that really believe what they say.

So was Shakespeare gay.......?

There's been a lot of controversy, etc, what do you think? And how do scholars know that some of his sonnets are apparently for that Earl in specific? Thanks in advance.

Which musical artist would you pay to see? And would not pay to see?

There are a few I would pay to see but only one that comes to mind that I definitely not, 'Keith Sweat'. His voice is worse than fingernails on a chalk board to me.

I need help coming up with a title for my book...?

The best advice I can give you is that you finish the book first, i'm on page 64 of my novel and I'm not worrying about the title until its finished. My main character is also named Lily by the way.

Which diaper is the best: Pamper swaddler sensitive for newborn or Huggies snuggles for newborn?

I have tried both diapers and I don't know which one I should only use.The pampers are loose fit.The huggies are a little tight and snuggles. Please help me which one I should used only. Thank you very much.

Why the extreme reaction?

It's got nothing to do about ego--it's about immaturity. For whatever reasons, he needs attention and cannot stand rejection. Keep him as a colleague at arm's length; how involved do you want to be, and how much time do you want to waste, trying to meet his needs and psychological demands?

Your favorite book out of these choices?

I've only ever read The Catcher in the Rye and A Lesson Before Dying. I prefer The Catcher in the Rye--I read it ages ago, but I think it's a decent book. A Lesson Before Dying is good, very good, but depressing.

What's a good martial art that is NOT for fighting?

i would like to know if there is any type of Martial arts that is more for show or relaxation, something like Tai Chi.

Life insurance with some health problems?

Depends on how much insurance you want. I used to sell for a company called Jackson National Life and wrote a policy for some who were worse than you. In fact, a few years af taking the policy, it paid off. You can call the company at 1-800-call-JNLI and ask them for an agent in your area. They are a good sound company.

My friends are ignoring me, help!?

:I know exactly how you feel, Imgoing throughthesamething!A few weeks ago my friends and I had a misunderstandingand Ithink everyone felt really hurt and because of it wouldn't listen to each other and it eventually grew completely out of proportion and were not talking at all anymore. There was a group of 6 of us and 4 of them have stayed togetherand completely ignored my friend and i for a week or two and it was unbelievably hard and i also had other things going on in life at the timemy uncle got really sick and still is very sick, he was diagnosedwith cancer as well as things happened with my dad (who i haven't talked to in a few years) and i wished more than anything at the time i had my best friend to talk to but i didn't she was with the others and then it was just one of my friends and I.The weird thing is everyone had apologized and accepted each others apology except for one girl and then it was her opinion that i feel changed everyone else. of course i do not know their side of the story but im just saying what i feel.Over the last few weeksIve been talking to afew of them when on their own but they wont talk to me if their with each other likeLuna. It has hurt somuch having to go through it and its not over but each day starts getting the teeniest bit better. I obviously still have days I get really upset when i see we have been replaced and when i hear them making plans with each other. even when EG we have a free cl and ive no one to talk to because they're together but i havetoget on with it and try not let them kno howHard its been for me. at least you still have mary, the hardest thing for me is that ive lost my best friend. we talk but its not the same,we used to be really close even though I have just rerealizedHow close we were since we've stopped being friends. We would be non stop textingtalking and doing everything together and I know i will find it hard to find a friend like her. We hadeverything planned together for when we were older like EG we used to stay up late looking up apartments on5th ave where we would live! What i find hardest is the little things like when I find an old note we pedor when I find photos of us or stuff like i got her tickets to a concert and they arrived the other day and it made me very sad and confused as to what i should do with it, & here in Ireland there is anannual 'toy show' for xmas on TV and it is 2mrw and I was planning on watching it with her like we didthe year before but Ive no one to watch it with now ha. Its funny because when Im with her in school, i forgetabout everything that'sHappening in my life just like the old days like today I walked the completely differentdirection with her by mistake not even realizing until i got there and i was like how did i get here?! but then i realize wont be the same like I dont think she feels the same about us no longer being friends as I dobecause she ignores me when with the others and leaves me alone the whole time like my other friend andi have no where to even go at lunch anymore so we just try find somewhere we can sit by ourselves, it usedto be outside but its too cold now so i generally go to the library. Even if there was some remote chancewe were to become friends again i think it would be nearly impossible for us to be close again becuase likeim sure she has even told her parents and they would not like us hanging out again because we had a fightand i already think they never really liked me anyway (dont get me wrong they are super nice and all i justdont think they liked me!) and stuff like tht.Im pretty sure, well at least i hope, she (im not sure about theothers) is not doing anything ive mentioned entirely on purpose, and maybe she finds ithard too but idoubt she could be finding it as hard as me because she has the others and has replaced us with other friendsso she cant be? I dont know to be honest if she was as hurt as me i would of thought she would try a bitmore but i dunno :/ all i know is Id do anything for things between us back the way it was but I find it hardto believe it ever will be, Ill never get the same old text, asking if i want to come over to watch the toy show or if i wanna go see a movie etc, even though ill probably be waiting my whole life for it, its not going tohappen and i will have to try my best to face the fact as much as i can. And i wish I had the guts to ask her but i dont scared ill be rejected,

Let's Get Ready For Christmas! Can you help me with decoration ideas?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How many project can you make with fleece?

To answer that would take up a lot of space. To give you a simple answer ........fleece is a cloth so you can make anything using fleece as you would with any other fabric.

Going to the other side...?

Death as a dream symbol indicates change, transition and transformation. Perhaps you are ungoing some big changes in waking life.

Can anyone tell me whats wrong with me?

That's quite unusual and I've never heard of that before, you could go to your doctor as you could be having growing pains or circulation problems. The blood might be unrelated and might just be part of your cycle, but best get it checked out or ask another girl you trust.

Are the Rockets still a solid team and a playoff team next season?

Nah, with Artest departing, it's the end of the line for Houston for now. They have no choice now but to rebuild and prepare for a Yao-less future. With Yao's future uncertain and T-Mac becoming injury-prone, the Rockets will have to build around a young team. Sure, Brooks and Wafer are pretty talented and Scola has a solid inside game, but they still lack the experience and mental toughness to take the team deep into playoff contention. Ariza was a solid contributor for the Lakers, but I doubt if he can make the same impact on any other team. The team still needs some capable scorers to fill in the huge void left by their 2 superstars.

When your boyfriend calls you his ex's name?

We have been together 6 months. As far as i understand he hasn't seen his ex in 2 years and she married one of his friends. He is going home for a visit in a week. Last night while snuggling i sighed and he was like what's wrong sarah? he stopped and i stopped for a moment and he apologized several times. i said ok and sat there awhile trying to figure what it meant out. Do i remind him of her...he told me he loved me and held me tight. I know we all make slips. I'm not mad he's human. But it does make me wonder if its a red flag of where we are going. what do you think?

Bellas lullaby for dummies?

i have nooo idea how to play the piano at all but i want to play bellas lullaby so bad!!!!! anyone know where i can find it on the internet (for free)?

How does this work (trigonometry)?

Given the coordinates (-2/5, √(21)/5), I'm supposed to use the symmetries of the unit circle to find the coordinates of P(t - 3Ï€). Is that the same as finding the coordinates of P(t ± Ï€)? If not, can someone please explain?

Name this song by either Trace Adkins, Lady Antabella, montgomery gentry or Rodney Atkins?

i'm confused. are you actually needing help or are you just trying to quiz people by giving "clues"? please don't waste my time. Perhaps if you spell Lady Antebellum's name right you'll find the song you're looking for.

Mormons...I have got to know....(specifically Utah LDS)?

Were you taught anything in church about a Uintah Mountain treasure cavern, cursed by the Aztecs and guarded by the Ute Indians--where Brigham Young got the gold to mint coins and decorate temples?

Advice anyone?? my boyfriend shows no pda...?

No, there isn't. Perhaps he isn't comfortable with it. It doesn't reflect upon you - unless he isn't showing any affection at all. If it's just in public, he probably just isn't into it. Some people aren't. If you try to force it or the subject you're risking him becoming angry about it. I would drop the subject.

Guys!! i need your advice here! am i not being a good girlfriend to my guy?

No.. don't listen to ur friend... thats the worst and the most negative advice! true love is God's blessing, and playing hard to get is done by ppl who are flirting or want to check their hot quotient.. .you're in love and if you do what ur friend told you might lose the love of ur life! don't follow her advice.. it seems that she is jealous of you cos you're a very perfect girlfriend!

Which Harlan Howard song was recorded by Waylon Jennings in which he asks...?

a woman if she is certain that she could want someone who has been lied to, cheated on and hurt by those he trusted?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What kinds of shoes are these? (picture included)?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Vampire names!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

Love the Anya thats my name, except its spelled the german way Anja, but for a book i recommend Anya i hate when people mispronounce my name. Can i ask what this look is for before making any recommendations? And i call my freind KC because her intials are them.The only thing is if your trying to right a book or something I wouldnt put like the twilight names in it haha but if its just for fun, then yeah! Good Luck!

Melodic death metal bands with growls?

bands like In Flames, Sonic Syndicate, Scar Symmetry, At The Gates, Dark Tranquillity, Children Of Bodom and Arch Enemy. does anyone know any MLD or any sbugenres of heavy metal but Death metal bands that have sick growls but also clean vocals like the bands i named on top?

I Need some songs for my Quinceanera party?

What about Spanish music ! Bachata, merengue . The party is gonna include grown ups so give them something to dance to also. Bachata is very y !

Who should is start, McNabb or Palmer?

McNabb, but that's a tough one. Palmer and Ochocino both have something to prove and a defence they can walk all over. If the rest of your roster is strong, it might be worth the risk, but they could also fall falt. McNabb, on the other hand, is good for a couple hundred yards and a touchdown or more even against a good D. If in doubt, stick with McNabb and wait for Palmer to prove himself.

I need some tattoo ideas...?

For a few years now, I've wanted to get a tattoo, but I never quite make up my mind when deciding on a quote/design. I'm 17, so I want to definitely decide what to get before I turn 18 in six months' time. I want my tattoo to mean something, so I was thinking maybe a quote like: "Live as if you were to die tomorrow: learn as if you were to live forever." Or a religious quote relating to death and how it makes you stronger as I have lost people close to me and it can be a reminder of them to me. Or I'll just opt for something simple but symbolic like a ankh (Egyptian symbol for eternal life). I would like it just on the edge of my ribcage, do you think my ideas are good or do you have some you think I might like? Thanks :)

Why do you is it important to slowly add NaOH to CuSO4?

yes, it forms a blue gelatininous precipitate if copper (II) hydroxide. It will form whether you add it quickly or slowly, so I guess it was so you could actally see the precipitate forming as each drop of NaOH solution was added and the blue ppt forming, until eventually you get blue pppt at the bottom and clear liquid above that. Pour it in quickly and it looks like blue soup!

Will they be able to find the fault if its only at random?

It is most likely not the gas supply. IF it will not fire and maintain a pilot - replace the $10 thermocouple. Sods law, the cheepest part is the most expensive to replace.

Should i play football with bronchitis?

Yesterday i went to the doctor and i found out i have bronchitis. i have a game today and my throat still feels okay but its more of a cough with mucus coming out than anything else. i feel in pretty good shape and i wanna play this game today and i wont be running that much as i play right tackle so i was wondering will it kill my throat while im out there playing? sucking on cough drops while im out there maybe? i took antibiotics and i have an inhaler i got but i wasnt as sick as i was before since ive gotten sick since friday and i feel pretty healthy today what to do??

Interperet a quote from Soren Aabye Kierkegaard?

Most people cant think for themselves...we ask others you like this or that..? what do you think about this ..? can I ask you ...?....So People demand freedom of speech so they can here what others say and what others think so they dont have to think for themselves.

I have to cats boy and a girl but the boy keeps biting the girls backside why is he doing this ?

my female does this to her brother,he annoys her by chasing her and playing when she wants to sleep,she does this when he not looking creeps up and nips on back,think it shows whos boss

Which one to buy??????

well I would get the ipodtouch because I have one and they are the best thing ever! But if you want to get the pants or shoes because you said that you have wanted them forever, then go for it! Either way those are all really amazing choices! Merry Christmas!!!! :)

Can Fresh Beets Be Cooked 4 Days After Buying At The Store?

The leaves are wilted but I cleaned the beets themselves and they are in pretty good shape. I bought them Sunday morning.Are they still good to eat?

Will my amp be sufficient enough to power my Kicker Sub?

it will work for only one voice coil. find an amp that can bridge the connection at 4 ohms and just wire your voice coil in series from there


an email came from swiss lotto for me and they told that you are the winner of yahoo prize a bout 250000euro and you should send your account with the payment of transefir 1000euro for us to send your prize is it true

Am I fat? Pic included...?

No, but apparently you have a body image disorder. See a psychotherapist and get help. Insecure women piss me off.

Would this computer setup run World of Warcraft decently before adding a video card and more RAM?

yes your computer will run WOW in fact it might even run Modern Warfare 2 but yes WOW will play on it and it will have decent to great fps

Would you stay with him?

Im with a guy iv been with for 4 years now. hes my first proper relationship but he hasnt been very nice from day one...he has always degraded me infront of other women but iv always forgiven him. we lived together but about a year ago he kicked me out and told me lifes too short to stay with me. i dont know why but i went back to him after a few months and found out the reason he left was because he had found someone else. this girl didnt want him after he broke up with me so i feel like im just here until he finds someone better. he has been perfect since we got back together, wants kids and to get married but I cant get over the fact that he left me. i feel so trapped because if i leave, i have nowhere to go and dont have enough money to support myself as im a student. im really not happy but dont know how to get out. im terrified of being alone and i dont think ill find anyone else.

Gaiaonline help?Please?

This user is asking for my pword and e-mail address and saying she is a moderator on gaia. She does not look like one ether. Could someone please tell me what I should do?

What is an American accent????

This is for any non-American, but esp. a Brit, what the heck does an American accent sound like to you? I live in America and have always wondered what I sound like to other people around the world.

How can I get a safe tan?

Just use tanning lotion. However I think you should just leave your complexion the way it is, fake tans simply look like that, fake tans, they never look natural. I reckon they look tacky lol there's no such thing as too pale, you just need to know what colours will compliment your skin tone :)

Should you let your dog/cat sleep in the bed with you?

I wouldn't put much stock in that article. Generally speaking, of you and your animals are healthy you shouldn't have an issue. Personally, I would never let my dog sleep in my bed because you tend to lose your authority figure status. As far as my cat is concerned, its going to do whatever the hell it wants anyway whether I let him or not.

Why is the media portraying the Casey Anthony trial as an "OJ trial"?

They are not the same. She's a White chick that many believe to be innocent eventhough she failed to report her daughter *missing* for 30 days, then went out to party! . I don't see any hoards of lynch mobs outside of the Anthony trial screaming *kill that N....." like there were outside of the OJ trial. She has a lot of spectators that's it. Most high profile trials often do, that's nothing unusual. Sick spectators too who were fighting with security (and should have been arrested) trying to get a front row seat at the circus called the Casey Anthony trial. It's ridiculous how long they are dragging this trial out. The courts are milking it out for as long as they possibly can.